Friday, December 19, 2008

Real vs. Not Real

Jane was convinced it was the real Santa--"His beard was real Mom!"
Max thought it was a "Really nice Grandma and Grandpa, but not the real thing."
David thought that Santa was really a cowboy in disguise--"Did you see the belt-buckle on that guy?  You could use it for a satellite dish!"
Blake didn't really know what to think. 
I'm tipping the scales in Jane's favor with my vote--so that's one for a "grandpa," one for a cowboy in disguise, and TWO VOTES FOR THE REAL DEAL!!!


akelly said...

They look like the real deal to me. Was this at a mall?

Molly said...

Thanksgiving Point. Today is the last day they are doing it (it was a Monday only thing)....6:30 - 8:30 but the line was really long when we went (at 7pm last week). I'd get there early, or wait until 8 to go. They give you a free picture though and the kids loved it. I loved that they had both Santa and Mrs. Claus!