Monday, June 30, 2008


We are going to see Wall-E this afternoon.  I might be a little bit emotional because of the pregnancy and all, but I am SOOOOOOO flipping excited to see this movie.  David and I have been huge fans of Pixar ever since we were dating.  We actually went to see Toy Story 2 in Arizona while visiting his sister over Thanksgiving while dating.  We've seen every Pixar film since then and it's been great to go with our kids as they get older.  We'll be leaving Blake at home for this one (Thanks for baby-sitting Madison), and I'll let you know how it goes after we see the movie!

Okay.  Movie has been watched.

I'm feeling the same way about this movie as I have about the past few Pixar movies.  I usually get a little too over-hyped.  I sit in the movie awaiting to have an out of body experience and come away feeling a little let down.  That being said, after I watched Cars, Monsters Inc., and Finding Nemo a few times I fall in love with them.  I'm expecting to feel the same way about Wall-E after owning it and seeing it a few times on Sunday afternoons with the kids.  

Pixar has another winner.  I'm just still letting the movie simmer in my heart a little longer before I declair that I'm in love yet again.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Tom Wopat vs. Joe Penny

Tom Wopat

Joe Penny

A funny thing happened on the way back from a family trip to Cabo San Lucas.  My entire side of the family was waiting in the airport and we all saw who we thought was Luke Duke (from Dukes of Hazard).  David was not so convinced.

We knew it was him....all of us, except for aforementioned David.  We kept telling him, "yes it is David," to which he kept replying:  "No, it isn't.  I don't doubt that it's someone famous, but I just don't think it's Luke Duke."  

At this point I was getting annoyed that David wouldn't be swayed by the other 11 people there.  I mean we were all positive.  I told him that I would prove it to him by going over and asking the man who he was.  David said that was fine, but he knew that I'd be proved wrong.  I was SO sure that I told him I'd bet him having another child that it was Luke Duke.  To which David's reply was "you're on."  At this point I got a little nervous (David's wants a gazillion kids and I'm not so excited about that many diapers in my life).  

So off I went.  I approached the man and said:  "Excuse me, but my husband and I have a bet going that you are Luke from Dukes of Hazard".  The man smiled and said, "No, I'm not.  I'm Joe Penny.  The guy you're thinking of is Tom Wopat and he is about 30 pounds heavier and 10 years older than me".  OUCH!  I was wrong and I insulted him!  I wasn't going to go down without a fight however and I told Joe that he just HAD to come and tell my husband that he was Luke Duke so I could save face and win the bet.  I think Joe had mercy on me.

He did it.  Joe Penny (from Jake and the Fat Man) came over to David, shook his hand, and said, "I'm Tom Wopat".   My entire family was smirking and thinking they were all so smart because David was proved wrong.  Joe walked away, I mouthed the words "Thank You" to him and that was that.  

(sidenote here:  David read this post and reminded me that even after Joe told him that he was Tom Wopat, David STILL did not believe him....he didn't say so to Joe/Tom, but he told me that he just still didn't think it was who he said he was.  Damn that man and his convictions!)

My gloating and glory lasted for about a half an hour.  As soon as David was out of earshot I told my entire family what had truly happened.  They couldn't believe it.  Not only did I make the poor man lie but I totally tricked David out of a bet!  And even though my family told me I shouldn't say anything,  I couldn't help it and told David the truth when we got on the plane.  

This is my subtle way of telling you all that I'm pregnant.  I lost the bet.  We will be having #4 in February.  Never let it be said that I wasn't good on my word (or that David doesn't stand by his convictions).  

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Baby Birds

For the past two years we have had nests built in our trees.  It is so much fun to watch the nests being built, and then to watch the mother robin sit on her eggs, and then finally to have the birds hatch and hear the excited chirping every time the mother brings a worm.  
Last year we missed seeing the birds, but this year we made sure to get in the tree with a ladder and handy camera in hand.  
We took the pictures just in time too.  Today we saw the mother teaching two of the birds how to fly.  It won't be long before we'll be empty nesters again.  

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Estonian Birthday Cakes

I've made a few cakes for my kids birthdays.  But last year for Jane's birthday I decided to just buy one instead.  Jane wanted a theme cake and I decided to go to Wal-Mart to find a cake for her.  I talked with the lady who decorates the cakes and when she found out that Jane's theme was "Flowers" she lit up.  It turns out that making flowers was her specialty.  I told her she could just put flowers all over and it would be fine.  I had no idea she would turn her cake into such a masterpiece.

This year I went back to Wal-Mart.  It turns out the lady who made the cake last year was back from Estonia just in time to make Jane's cake again.  This year Jane wanted butterflies.  I told the lady that she could just use her imagination and that I trusted her with whatever she came up with.  She lit up again and said she had the perfect idea.
It was amazing.  If you ever want a cake that looks more like art, go to Wal-Mart and ask for the lady from Estonia.  I believe her name is Nikita, she works on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays from 1pm - 9pm.  

Friday, June 6, 2008


I got to meet Heather Armstrong last night.  For most of you this is no big deal, you've probably never even heard of her, but for me it was like meeting an old friend that I've been dying to see. I've been reading for over two years (and note:  before you hit that link button....she's crass, she swears and is a "reformed" mormon.  If you liked the movie Juno, you'll probably like reading Heather's blog, but don't say I didn't warn you).  

Heather is the ultimate blogger.  She has had some serious success at blogging and was recently featured on the Today Show as the "goddess of the mommie-bloggers."  She was having a book signing up in SLC and I couldn't resist. I met her mom as well and she was delightful.
They were also filming for a pilot show about her life and they filmed some of the people in line.  I was one of them.  I started getting teary while I was talking about why I feel like I could relate to Heather, etc. and felt like a bit of a dork, but there have been days where I've been so tired as a mom, not wanted to be a mom that day or something like that and then I'll read her funny, quirky little entry about how her daughter is throwing a fit over a lost Polly Pocket shoe and suddenly my day is better.  

I know, it doesn't really make sense, but I love her site and I think she is awesome.  Go Dooce!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Jane

My little girl is growing up.  Jane turns 5 today and is actually looking forward to her kindergarten shots this week because she wants to prove how brave she is.  (Max "said" he was brave when he went for his shots too, but ended up under the chair at the doctors office screaming his head off---I know, big surprise, eh?)
We'll have to see how Jane does, but needless-to-say I think she has a better chance at pulling it off than Max ever did.  

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Zoo

I don't really like the zoo.  I mean, I like the animals and everything (especially the Giraffes), but there is something about the zoo that drives me nuts.  My kids usually end up hurt, or fighting, and they are constantly hungry.  I'm always searching for snacks for the kids, sunscreen to make sure they aren't burnt, and drinks for the seemingly parched children.  
Yesterday we went to the zoo with a bunch of friends and while the kids had an absolutely wonderful time, I still ended up driving home feeling completely exhausted.  My kids fell asleep in the car ride on the way home and when we got home they told their dad all about the great day they had at the zoo.  
I guess the zoo is great when you're a kid and you don't have to worry about all the mom stuff. Maybe one of these days I'll go to the zoo by myself and we'll see if I have a different experience (yeah, right....can you imagine that conversation:  "Honey, would you mind watching the kids, I think I'm going to go to the zoo."  To which my husband's reply would certainly be something like:  "Um, Honey, I think you're already there").