Sunday, September 14, 2008

Where do they come up with these things?

(This post was edited this morning by David who told me that it was Jane who said the following, not Max like I remembered goes to show how important it is to write things down at the time they happened and not try to recount it a year later).
Ever see this sign?  Do your kids know what it means?  Last year Max would tell me everytime we drove past it that it was the "no robber" sign.  One fateful day we were driving carpool and Jane says:  

Jane:  "Mom, why do they put those 'no robber' signs up"

Mom:  "Because they are telling you that the people in this neighborhood are watching out for each other and they are trying to keep people from stealing."

Jane:  "yeah, like the Hawaiians."

Mom (horrified):  "Why would you say that?  Why do you think Hawaiians steal things?"

Jane:  "Well, and the Chinese."

It was at least good to know that she was not totally single-minded in her 4 year old racist mind.


Noell-Hyman said...

That's hilarious! I actually had a young racist, as well. Not my second, two. Just my first. Isn't it wild how naturally some children divide us up and equate us=good and them=bad? Okay, it's scary, actually.

Unknown said...

Senea once offended an elevator full of African-Americans. I think it happens to us all. Hey, what kind of camera do you have? It takes beautiful pics.