Monday, October 13, 2008

Bibbity Bobbity Boo

We had a great time on our trip to Disney World.  David and I both commented, however, that the 4 parks were so spread out and large that we felt a little overwhelmed trying to see everything.  The last time I was a Disney World I was 10 years old and can still remember little bits of the trip.  I wanted to make sure that my kids had memories to last as well.  Blake was left at home and had a wonderful time with David's mom (I figured being 5 months pregnant AND taking a 19 month old would be enough to make it a little less of a vacation for us all. :)
My mom was the one who made it all possible for all 21 of us to go on this trip.  This is a picture of the 9 grandkids that came (two were left home) and my mom with the fairy godmother.  
Time out for popsicles.
For the most part my kids wanted nothing to do with the characters.  When I'd say "Hey look there's ______, do you want to go see them?"  My kids would reply with  "nah".  But for some reason they both wanted their picture taken with Pinocchio.  I thought it was hilarious that he would be their character of choice, but what the hey.
After 3 days at Disney World it was time for the Cruise.  We had such a great time.  My kids told us that if they had to do it again they would do the "boat" and not go to the parks.  I have a feeling that we might be doing it again sometime.


Angie said...

That was a great vacation!!! I think we utilized ever minute we could. Thanks for the email of the pics. One day I will remember to bring my camera on vacation. ARG!

Tavia said...

That's a great memory for your children and all the cousins. Oh, and where did you cruise to? Very fun!

Molly said...

We left from Florida, went to Castaway Cay (Disney's own private island--very fun) and then went to Nassau. Luckily we had another day after that to return to Castaway Cay. It was a great vacation and I'd recommend it to anybody!