Thursday, July 17, 2008

Captain Flamingo

Yesterday while cleaning up Jane's room we had a little fun with Blake and some dress ups. Max decided that we should give Blake the nick-name of "Captain Flamingo."
He had so much fun dressed up that he stayed that way for at least an hour.  
Below is one of Blake's "tricks."  When you ask him a question that begins with a very loud and drawn out "WHOOOOO" he raises his hand to reply--"me!"
In this question David asked Blake "WHOOO loves being Captain Flamingo?"

1 comment:

Lori said...

Hey Molly!
I came across your blog through Jen's and just wanted to say Hi! It looks like you and your family are doing really well and I hope that's the case. I can' believe how big your kids are!!!!
Take care and good job with the biking, I couldn't have done it!