Saturday, March 29, 2008

Best Dollar Spent

I think this would have to be my favorite purchase from China.  David and I took a fantastic trip this past September to China and Korea.  While we were in China we spent one evening on the street of WangFuJing.  It's a very popular shopping district in the heart of Beijing.  While we were there we stopped into a book store.  While David was checking out the travel section I wandered back to a small section in the back of the store that had some "English" children's books.  

There were plenty of cute, colorful books, but one stood out to me with a picture of a little kids bum.  I stood there with the biggest grin you can have with your mouth open while I read this book.  There are plenty of other pages (fairy poo, robot poo, piggy bank poo, etc), but my favorite is the snowman poo.  I bought every copy they had and at $1 a piece it was a steal.

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