Friday, March 28, 2008

The Bike

Here is the bike.  It's a Roubaix by Specialized.  I've only been out on it once, but it was great.  I was told by quite a few of my neighbors (who are avid road bikers) that I WILL fall.  I was given advice such as "make sure you fall away from traffic" and "if you have a choice, fall opposite the chains so you don't get scars" and so on.  Well, I have to admit that as soon as I figured out how to clip-in I was pretty confident that I would be okay, and I was for a while however.....I fell.  

It wasn't bad enough to fall, but I fell right at a busy intersection of traffic (right at the end of 1120 N. for those of you familiar with AF).  I clipped out on the right side but my weight was on the left and as I started tilting left I had the distinct thought "here goes my first fall".  I was smiling and shaking my head as I stood up, but the damage was done.  By the time it was all over I had a small scrape on the palm of my hand, and 6 bruises (most of which are on my hiney).  

It's going to be fun to learn this new skill-set.  I really did enjoy myself and am looking forward to ride #2 (minus meeting the pavement).

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