Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bye-Bye Preschool

Jane had her preschool graduation today.  I think I'm much more sad than she is that her preschool days are over.  She attended a wonderful preschool with fabulous teachers.  We will miss them and the school tremendously.  Luckily Blake will be able to attend in just a few short years...hopefully the teachers don't change!
Jane with Teacher Charlotte.  Max had her last year and they both adore her.  She was a great, gentle, funny teacher whom all the children loved.
Jane with Grandma and Grandpa Kelly (David and Blake in the background).  Judging from this photo I think we have many more graduations to be more concerned about (I'm fearing the high school graduation---this girl is going to live up to every stereotype of a redhead out there.)
Congratulations Jane.  Look out Kindergarten!


Natalie said...

that's awesome...looks like she loved her school! hannah's last day is tomorrow...then on to kindergarten!

Marty said...

I didn't realize your Jane was ready to go to Kindergarten next year? So is mine! My Jane just had her preschool graduation also and is so excited to go to the same school as her big brother. We have to get these girls together!

Molly said...

Anytime! I'd love to see your kids and to have them get to know mine. We'll be begging for things to do all Summer long so definetly give me a call!