Monday, April 21, 2008

Day One

Well.  Here it goes.

I've always had issues with my weight.  I've listened to people like Oprah talk about "emotional eating" and other reasons for overeating, but none of that ever made sense to me.  I would just say--"I just like to eat.  I like yummy, fattening, comfort food and I'm not so big into eating the stuff that is actually good for you."  My problem is that I am an instant gratification eater. Most physically fit people wouldn't eat dessert, my philosophy--Why wait for dessert until after dinner?  

A few weeks ago I had an epiphany, my "aha moment".  I was thinking about how people are quite often in debt and how they just don't have the self-control to save up to buy things, or how many people are incapable of scrimping in order to pay off debts, etc.  I've been listening to Dave Ramsey a lot and it would just amaze me the questions that people would have when it would come to money.  It just didn't make sense to me that people would get themselves into such a bad situation because they weren't thinking clearly about the future and their finances.  

Um....duh?  That is me with food.  I am in debt.  I'm wearing it.  The problem with my type of debt is that it's physically visible as a fat suit that I've literally built up by not making smart food choices and eating what I want when I want it.  It's that instant gratification.   I have been thinking about this a lot over the past few weeks and I'm finally ready to make a change.  I'm starting my "scrimping" in order to get myself out of debt.  

Typically when someone wants to get out of financial debt they put themselves on a tight budget.  This is no different.  Recently I bought a book called "Where Did the Fat Go?".  It's a book by the doctor from The Biggest Loser and it goes into detail on how the contestants on the ranch lost the weight.   In order to lose weight they exercise anywhere from 4-6 hours a day in the beginning and end up exercising some ridiculous number of 10 hours a day (if they are in the final 4 people chosen).  Anyway, I'm not going that crazy, but it does require 2 a day workouts.  The doctor suggests working out 10-12 hours a week, as well as limiting your calorie intake to about 7x your weight (if you weigh 150 you'd be limiting your intake to approximately  1050 calories).  It's certainly not starvation, but it is very low.  

Today is the first day.  It's actually 5:17 in the morning and I've been up with Blake since 3:20.  He took a big nap yesterday and I guess it wore off sometime in the middle of the night.  He's back to sleep now, but my alarm is set to go off in 13 minutes so I figured I'd write for a moment.  This would be a good day to say, "forget it, I'll start tomorrow" and go back to bed.  But if you're committed, you're committed, right?  I have my entire day planned out with food and I'm actually quite excited about starting this life-long journey.  

Wish me luck people, I'm off to the gym.


Natalie said...

Thank you Thank you! That is a great analogy (spelling???) We're all ready to give up something so we can be better financially, but why not use the same principle for being better physically. It's funny because this morning I told Jeff I was starting something new to get in better shape. It must be in the air...

Hopefulloser said...

Good luck! I know I've been a slacker at returning your email ( I will soon). I'm burnt out on the computer :-) But of course I'll be watching and working along with you!

Blogging to Blog said...

I am the same as you. I just love food. It's not some emotional thing, I just like food, partically sweet things! I'm been trying to exercise more, and quit the Pepsi thing, but unfortunately I feel off the Pepsi wagon! Anyway, good luck!

Jenn said...

I know you'll do it! You've got the right mindset and you're off to a good start. Delayed gratification is a great analogy. I think you're very brave and courageous. Jenn