Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Our Neighborhood

We live in an awesome neighborhood.  While it's usually littered with bikes, balls, scooters, etc. there are other terrifically beautiful aspects as well.  I took these pictures a few days ago just from my street.  

This is from Jen Lynsky's yard.  She always has the most wondrous flowers.  Mostly wondrous because of the pixies that live in that house love to pick the flowers---but in spite of that they always seem to have an abundance.  Sarah Lynsky once told me that they have fairies that live in their flowers that protect them.  If you see their yard you'll know it's true.
This is just a random dandelion (we won't mention whose yard it came from), but needless to say there is beauty in a dandelion as well.  (Macro photography is so much fun!)
This is from Melinda McLain's yard.  This is actually the flower that inspired me to go out and get my camera.  The photo doesn't do it justice, but the color differential is very pretty.  I'm still figuring out how to get macro photos in focus.  I went to my photo class on Saturday and asked him about some techniques, but apparently I still need some practice.
The O'Dells flowers behind their mailbox.  You wouldn't even be able to see these as you were driving by, but Jane noticed them and told me to "take their picture".  
This daffodil is from Julia Woolf's yard.  She labored diligently to plant her bulbs a few years ago and that very year Jane pulled many of her flowers out.  We had her go and apologize to Julia and draw her a picture of some flowers to "give the flowers back".  (Julia later gave me the picture back because it was so cute with all the little tulips that Jane had drawn).  My job now is to keep Blake away.  
My favorite picture wouldn't upload because I used up too much space putting these on.  So you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see my personal favorite.  ohh the suspense!

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